Wednesday 20 October 2010


I gave out a number of my questionnaires to selected students, and asked them complete in order to obtain my results. I ensured that all people taking the questionnaire were aged between 16-18 and made note of the results.
Audience Focus Group Questionnaire
Gender: Male/Female   Age__

1. How many magazines do you read a week?
(a) One (b) Two (c) Three (d) Other
2. If you read entertainment magazines, which type do you read most?
(a) Fashion/Celebrity (b) Music (c) Sports (d) Other:
3. Do you regularly read a student/school magazine?
(a) Yes (b) No
4. If you are a student, which type of school do you attend?
(a) Non-student (b) School Sixth Form (c) College

5. What information would you ideally like to see in a school magazine?
(a) Clubs (b) Educational (c) Events/Achievements (d) School Trips/Holidays
6. What are your main interests?
(a) Studying (b) Sport(c) TV/Film/Gaming/Music (d) Fashion
7. What is your favourite subject at College/Sixth Form?

8. Which do you prefer? Please state in order of preference.
(a) Lengthy articles (b) Short articles (c) Diagrams (e.g. graphs and tables) (d) Pictures


Thank You


How many magazines do you read a week?

One-3 Two-5 Three-3 Over-4
If you read entertainment magazines, which type do you read most?

Fashion/Celebrity-6 Music-4 Sports-2 Other-3

Do you regularly read a school magazine?

Yes-3 No- 12

If you are a student, which type of school do you attend?

Non Student-0 School Sixth Form-10 College- 5
What information would you ideally like to see in a school magazine?

Clubs- 4 Educational-0 Events/Achievements-3 School Trips/Holidays-8
What are your main interests?

Studying-2 Sport-1 TV/Film/Gaming/Music-5 Fashion-5 Socialising-2

What is your favourite subject?

RS-1 Art Design-2 Psychology-1 History-1 Media-1 Music-2 Biology-2 Government and Politics-2 PE-1 Business Studies-1 Maths-1 Geography-1

Which do you prefer?

Lengthy Articles-1 Short Articles-5 Diagrams-3 Pictures-6

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