Sunday 31 October 2010

Front Cover

Final Edited Front Cover of my School Magazine 

Edited Image

Original Image

Wednesday 20 October 2010


I gave out a number of my questionnaires to selected students, and asked them complete in order to obtain my results. I ensured that all people taking the questionnaire were aged between 16-18 and made note of the results.
Audience Focus Group Questionnaire
Gender: Male/Female   Age__

1. How many magazines do you read a week?
(a) One (b) Two (c) Three (d) Other
2. If you read entertainment magazines, which type do you read most?
(a) Fashion/Celebrity (b) Music (c) Sports (d) Other:
3. Do you regularly read a student/school magazine?
(a) Yes (b) No
4. If you are a student, which type of school do you attend?
(a) Non-student (b) School Sixth Form (c) College

5. What information would you ideally like to see in a school magazine?
(a) Clubs (b) Educational (c) Events/Achievements (d) School Trips/Holidays
6. What are your main interests?
(a) Studying (b) Sport(c) TV/Film/Gaming/Music (d) Fashion
7. What is your favourite subject at College/Sixth Form?

8. Which do you prefer? Please state in order of preference.
(a) Lengthy articles (b) Short articles (c) Diagrams (e.g. graphs and tables) (d) Pictures


Thank You


How many magazines do you read a week?

One-3 Two-5 Three-3 Over-4
If you read entertainment magazines, which type do you read most?

Fashion/Celebrity-6 Music-4 Sports-2 Other-3

Do you regularly read a school magazine?

Yes-3 No- 12

If you are a student, which type of school do you attend?

Non Student-0 School Sixth Form-10 College- 5
What information would you ideally like to see in a school magazine?

Clubs- 4 Educational-0 Events/Achievements-3 School Trips/Holidays-8
What are your main interests?

Studying-2 Sport-1 TV/Film/Gaming/Music-5 Fashion-5 Socialising-2

What is your favourite subject?

RS-1 Art Design-2 Psychology-1 History-1 Media-1 Music-2 Biology-2 Government and Politics-2 PE-1 Business Studies-1 Maths-1 Geography-1

Which do you prefer?

Lengthy Articles-1 Short Articles-5 Diagrams-3 Pictures-6

Tuesday 19 October 2010


Bronte said that although she likes the main image on the front cover of my magazine, she thinks that it would look even better if the image was bigger. As well as this she suggested I write the title in a more creative font, inorder to attract the reader as well as advicing I use a colour scheme such as yellows, or greens inorder to attract both a male and female audience.

Anna too liked my images, as well as the content that the magazine said it included, highlighting she believed the articles I selected to feature on the front cover would appeal to both genders, which was beneficial as the magaine is for mixed sixth form/college. Anna also proposed that I could situate the image in the middle of the cover, to emphazise to the reader it is the focal element in this weeks magazine.

Harriet liked everything that I decided to include in my magazine, and thought the image I selected was good as it successed in highlighting a social element to school. She suggested I could look atr th format of my front cover maybe moving around some of my text, and like Hope adviced me to use a neutral colour scheme to appeal to both a male and female target audience.


What is Typography...

"The layout of text on a printed page, sign or other object. It refers to the style, size and
 layout of the text characters (fonts)."
Typography is used inorder to highlighy a certain mood or idea effectively. the differnt typocraphy you use helps to highlight a distintct mood or message. Different fonts will be sued to appqal to different gendrs and ages. 
What I intend to use on my magazine..

My magazine is aimed at both females and males students between the ages of 16-19. When selecting my typocraphy I need to  carefully consider my taget group. makin sure teh font and content appeals to both genders, making sure I have an equal balance between articles appealing to girls and those appealing to boys.

Focus Group

I interviewed three different people aged between 16-18 years old and asked them questions about both themselves, school life and what types of magazines the choose to read. As part of my focus group these selected students will gives their views and feedback on my flat plan.

Bronte Horncastle

Age: 18
Sixth Form/College: St Bernards High School
Subjects Studying: English Literature, Biology and Drama
Favourite Subject: Drama
Interests: listening to music, socializing, Dancing
Favourite aspect of a Magazine: the pictures 
Least favourite aspect of a Magazine: the advertising
Favourite Magazine(s): Elle, OK
Time spent reading magazines: 3 hours a week

Anna Bradford

Age: 16
Sixth Form/College:

Southend High School for Girls
Subjects Studying: Maths, Media, Sociology, Business Studies and Economics
Favourite Subject: Media
Interests: Sport
Favourite aspect of a Magazine:  The Interviews
Least favourite aspect of a Magazine: Reviews
Favourite Magazine(s): Nme
Time spent reading magazines: 1 hour a week

Harriet Trayling

Age: 16
Sixth Form/College: Southend High School for Girls
Subjects Studying: Media, English literature, French
Favourite Subject: English literature
Interests: Reading, Singing
Favourite aspect of a Magazine: Fashion Features 
Least favourite aspect of a Magazine: Celebrity interviews
Favourite Magazine(s): Vogue and Grazia
Time spent reading magazines: 2 hours a week

Pictures of front Cover

What is the purpose of a Flat Plan?
The main purpose of a Flat Plan is so that the designer is able to produce a rough front cover of what they want their cover of their magazine to end up looking like. Flat plans are useful as you are bale to see what will the magazine will potentially look like and decide what aspects you prefer and like about your overall design as well as the aspects which you least favor. Flat plans also allow you to present and show your designs and format to a selected focus group (mine is students aged 16-18) this then enables them to give their opinions and ideas, and ways in which to improve your final design. A flat plan is made for each section of the magazine, this is beneficial  to the editor who can then change and improve the appearence and content of the magazine.

This is the draft of my Front cover for my sixth form/college magazine "Achieve".

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Pictures for the Front cover of a School Magazine

The above picture would appear on a school/ college magazine as it has elements of school, this is shown through the lanyard that the "student" seems to be wearing, highlighting she belongs to a certain school community, as well as this the image also demonstrates a social side, this is conveyed through the girls casual and informal stance and happy expression .

The above image would appear on a school prospectus as the image is of a student carrying her books, conveying that the girl is at school as well as this she poses in a formal way and the school is evident in the background, it is shown in a positive light through the greenery the photographer has chosen to include in the image. Furthermore, the student is smiling, sending the main message to new comers to the school that she appears to be happy at the selected school/college.

Although this image successfully, highlights the school in a positive way through the use of including the greenery, and an area of the main school building, and conveying the students incentive to learn by including the books, a notepad and reading book.  I would not use this on either a school magazine or prospectus as her stance appears more informal and her facial expression, looks as though she is laughing, rather than smiling.