Tuesday 28 September 2010

Pictures for the Front cover of a School Magazine

The above picture would appear on a school/ college magazine as it has elements of school, this is shown through the lanyard that the "student" seems to be wearing, highlighting she belongs to a certain school community, as well as this the image also demonstrates a social side, this is conveyed through the girls casual and informal stance and happy expression .

The above image would appear on a school prospectus as the image is of a student carrying her books, conveying that the girl is at school as well as this she poses in a formal way and the school is evident in the background, it is shown in a positive light through the greenery the photographer has chosen to include in the image. Furthermore, the student is smiling, sending the main message to new comers to the school that she appears to be happy at the selected school/college.

Although this image successfully, highlights the school in a positive way through the use of including the greenery, and an area of the main school building, and conveying the students incentive to learn by including the books, a notepad and reading book.  I would not use this on either a school magazine or prospectus as her stance appears more informal and her facial expression, looks as though she is laughing, rather than smiling. 

College Magazine Analysis

The model, uses DIRECT MODE OF ADDRESS and looks straight at the reader to establish a relationship with them.

The TITLE BLOCK is in a green  font appealing to both a male and female reader/audience. The title reads "College" which is a direct link to what the entire magazine will be based upon.

The magazines WEBSITE enables the reader to go beyond the hard copy of this addition and read an online version too.

The ANCHORAGE TEXT links directly to to the central and focal image on the magazines front cover, demonstarting to the reader that the main article will be on this selected person (JEFFREY ASSASSIN' CAMPBELL)

The photo on the cover is a medium shoot therefor the reader is unable to see the image in full lengh. but the image still highlights the main elements of school and happiness.

The main colours used on the cover are green, black, white and pink therefore would appeal to the target audience of students aged between 16-19.

The cover successfully illustrates a sense of fun through its use of text "splat lets go paintballing" as well as its use of colloquail language in order to appear informal, "Thank God its Friday" this both engages the reader as well as interesting them.

Overall the cover speaks of both life within school "college culture" as well as a social side  which happens outside of school "The Ultimate Spring Break Escape" having the right balance between them both.

The model uses DIRECT MODE OF ADDRESS and looks straight at the reader to establish a 

relationship with them.

The title of the magazine is "College, university, Education" but this has been abriviated to C.U.E. as 

well as this the title is in a bold red font appealing to both males and females. teh title too relates to the 

main elements in the the magazine.

The magazines WEBSITE enables the reader to go beyond the hard copy of this addition and read an online version too. Which I believe will list a  variety of useful websites for students, each one specializing a certain subject/ lesson.

The ANCHORAGE TEXT does not appear to link to the main picture on the front cover "New Kids on the Block"  therefore showing no real connection between the text and picture.

The photo on the cover is a medium shoot therefor the reader is unable to see the image in full lengh. but the image still highlights the main elements of school this is highlighted through the photographers choice of including props such as school books.As well as this the model is situated which appears to be the outside of a school building.

The main colours used on the cover are red, orange, white, a several shades of blue, using this colours helps appeal to the target age group which is males and females are between the ages of between 16-19.

The front cover lacks text there for there is only a small indication as to what will be featured in the magazines articles.  

The model uses DIRECT MODE OF ADDRESS and looks straight at the reader to establish a 

relationship with them (through his head being tilted) despite playing the piano. The use of this image 

may indicate the magazine will include an article to do with music and therefor would appeal to those 

who have an interested in this field or are studying it for either AS or A2 level.

Th Title of the magazine is "Guils" which has no relevance to learning but many who would be likely to

purchase this magazine, may associate this  word to be the name of their school or college.

The cover fails to list a website highlighting that this magazine is more likely to be produced and made 

by students at the school. 

The ANCHORAGE TEXT links directly to to the central and focal image on the magazines front cover, demonstarting to the reader that the main article will be on this selected person (GEORGE CASWELL)

The main colours used on the front cover are red, white, and yellow there for appealing to both genders.

The cover  has success in highlighting the main features of a school magazine, including articles on individual school issues "Head Boy Nomination Inside" to ensuring that each students is both comfortable and able to manage their  own work assignments at home "the best foods to make you work" and "The new A block chair, Free revision timetable."